Stock Image Gallery
This gallery offers a preview of Tourism Whistler’s comprehensive selection of high-resolution stock images of Whistler.
In order to view Tourism Whistler's full selection of photos and gain permission for downloading, members of the media must register for access to our online image bank. Please allow up to three business days for processing as all image requests through this library are subject to approval by Tourism Whistler.
Conditions of Use:
Photos and video provided via this website are restricted to travel, news and other media for editorial content directly related to Whistler as a destination. Photographer credit must be given at all times. Please read Tourism Whistler's Image Usage Terms & Conditions.
Squamish Lil'wat Cultural Centre

Alpine Hiking

Luge at Whistler Sliding Centre

Whistler Golf Club
The River of Golden Dreams
Whistler Olympic Park
Concert in Whistler Olympic Plaza
Winter Ziplining